Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I downloaded a PDF of Huxley's "Island" today. It was one of the books I read for that term paper back in high school. I read the first page or two. I should try to finish it.
I took D.S. his mail, went and got some groceries for him, and threw some Qik Joe on the lane.
Some time has passed, and I've now read the last couple pages of "Island". Incentive.
I read "Robinson Crusoe" in college, and wrote a paper on it. If I'm remembering correctly, it's the one that I really thought I'd "nailed"---reminiscent of a scene on "The West Wing" where the President assigns what's-his-face to write a speech for the birthday of some under-secretary of agriculture or other, just to prevent him from taking his daughter out on a date; and what's-his-face and the bald guy end up really getting into trying to write that perfect "birthday card". Anyway, the Crusoe paper got a B+ or an A- and the comment "OK, an intelligent response", while some of the sheer drivel I'd written got solid A's and comments with multiple exclamation points. Go figure. I don't think I'll run right over to "that big online book(and other things)store" and order a copy of Crusoe to see what a post -McGyver, post-survivor reading yields (or, wait a minute, I could probably find a free downloadable copy of that, too); but if I should happen to run across my old copy while rummaging through my stuff, it'll surely catch my eye.