Monday, March 21, 2011

And the next post is a little worse (in tone, certainly), referring to the bronze bust of Shakespeare in Wayne Manor, which concealed the switch granting access to the Batcave. And I can see a multitude of negative associations with this one, but what just ran through my brain was a line from Don McLean's most well-known work. And that brings with it a number of other negative associations.
And if you give a man enough rope he'll hang himself.
And if you give a light brown apple moth enough half empty (or half full) cups or glasses of wine or coffee, he will drown, and a couple have here in the last months, and I tried to honor their remains for a day or two before disposing of them as any normal person would.
I'm not trying to sound crazy, and I don't think I am, and I don't claim to be.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm trying not to be scared.
There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casts out fear.
Back to agape.
If I'm able, that's probably where I should begin my "volunteer" mission.
Right here.

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