Thursday, March 24, 2011

More like it...still nothing to brag about

It occurred to me on the way to work that the way to eliminate the negativity of the previous attempt while retaining the letter-count and that valuable "e" was to use "restabilization" instead. The symmetry thing was unintended: I had no graph paper at work, so making nice, big rectangles seemed like a good work-around. Yes, I was working on my own project on company time.

Of course, this still isn't a puzzle, and I don't know if I'll complete this one, now that I've already published the answer. But I should check it over for consistency, uniqueness of solution, redundancies, and such, and throw out any entries that are otherwise troubling. It could return in editted form.


  1. There's only one "t" in "edited". Machine error or human error?

  2. There's only one "r" in "restabilization", so change 9,14 to a "t". OAT is a in OAT BRAN, and RATA as in PRO RATA also works, I think. There may be other, possibly irreparable flaws in this one.

  3. Will I ever accomplish anything?
