I ended up making the very error I said was not an option in my previous post.
Thankfully, no moth "landed in the soup".
Thank Someone, not me.
So I'm trying to watch/listen to Noah Benshea this morning.
He makes a lot of sense, but sometimes, like that gas meeting night before last, it seems like too much all at once.
So, anyway, last night it ended up being about four and a half sheets to the wind, leaving a remainder of 2.5 (approximately).
Interesting thing on the "sheets to the wind" mataphor: according to The Urban Dictionary it possibly derives not only from ships, but also from windmills. See the connections? I do. But seeing the connections is not enough. Insight must be worked out in practice (that could be worded a LOT better). I guess the best thing I can think of to do right now is take the central issue of stability and try to work it into a puzzle. But I'll use "destabilization" because it's fifteen letters and has that useful "e" in it, and try to turn it from negative to positive somehow.
Don't wish me luck.
"metaphor", dimwit.